11 May Vaccine skirmishes (The Hindu, Economy, GS-3)
Context:- Developing countries are asking the intellectual property right wavier for COVID-19 vaccine.
- Why IPR waiver on COVID vaccines is needed.
- Developing countries are the one who are the the edge, neither they have expertise to tackle, nor they have resources and nor they have money to R&D
- This will decrease the poor’s hardship.
- Will help in saving the loved one’s
- But there are some challenges in the IPR waiver
- the grant of a waiver would have to be accompanied by a “tech transfer.
- how any vaccine then produced by these generic manufacturers would pass the tests of safety, immunogenicity and protective efficacy.
- The impact on global supply chains for vaccine production should be examined in order to avoid disruptions.
- alternative options to urgently address vaccine shortfalls should be considered.
- These challenges must be addressed simultaneously in order to provide relief to the COVID affected population
- Read my previous day article
- Link
- https://plutusias.com/a-trips-waiver-is-useful-but-not-a-magic-pill-the-hindu-gs-2-international-relations-economy/
- Link
- Read my previous day article
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