Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes 19/09/2022 to 24/09/2022

Weekly Current Affairs: Quizzes 19/09/2022 to 24/09/2022


Weekly Current Affairs Quiz: 19/09/2022 to 24/09/2022

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Q.1. With Reference to Smart Farming Consider the following statements:
1. To promote smart farming, the Government promotes Startups in the Agriculture sector.
2. Under the NeGPA program funding is given to State Governments.
3. The GoI started eNAM, an electronic trading portal for the Agriculture market.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.2. With Reference to One Nation, One Fertilizer Scheme Consider the following statements:
1. One Nation, One Fertilizer Scheme is aimed at bringing about uniformity in fertilizer brands across the country.
2. Pradhanmantri Bhartiya Janurvarak Pariyojna (PMBJP) will be spearheaded by the Ministry of Agriculture.
3. Fertilizer is one of the most highly subsidized commodities in the Indian market.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.3. Consider the following statements regarding National Statistical Office:
1. NSO was formed on the recommendation of the Sarkaria Commission.
2. NSO was formed after merging the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and Central Statistics Office (CSO).
3. The office was set up to maintain the statistical standards of the Central government only.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.4. Consider the following statements regarding the Pharmacopoeia Commission:
1. The Pharmacopoeia commission is re-establish for Indian Medicine and Homeopathy under the Ministry of AYUSH.
2. The commission will help to optimize technical manpower, infrastructural facilities, and financial resources.
3. This commission is an autonomous body.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.5. With Reference to the Synergy exercise consider the following statements:
1. Synergy is a cyber security exercise.
2. The theme of the exercise was “Building a Strong Network to Combat Ransomware Attacks”.
3. CERT-In is the nodal agency for information technology.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.6. Consider the following statements regarding Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System:
1. A Flood Forecasting system is essential to predict the likely increase in water level in rivers.
2. Central Water Commission (CWC) provides statistical methodology based short range flood forecasts.
3. The system is developed in-house using modeling software for flood forecasting every three hours during the monsoon season.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.7. Consider the following statements regarding Indian economy :
1. India has overtaken the UK to become the fifth largest economy in the world.
2. The size of the Indian economy with respect to ‘nominal’ cash stood at USD 854.7 billion.
3. India has also performed well in the agriculture and services sector.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.8. Consider the following statements regarding Bulk Drug Parks :
1. Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks is a major initiative to support bulk drug manufacturing in the country.
2. Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh have been selected.
3. The scheme will help the industry to meet environmental standards at low cost.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q.9. Consider the following statements regarding 11th Agriculture Census :
1. Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare launches the 11th Agriculture Census in the country
2. Agriculture Census in the country is conducted at an interval of four years.
3. The Census also provides the basis for development of a comprehensive integrated national system of agricultural statistics.
Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

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Q10. Software Freedom Law Centre (SFLC)’s tracker has listed India as a country with the maximum number of internet shutdowns. Which of the following act governs the internet shutdowns in India?

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Q11. Consider the following statement(s) with respect to Disinvestment Policy:
1. All CPSEs (Central Public Sector Undertaking) except in 4 strategic areas to be privatized.
2. NITI Aayog to work out on the next list of CPSEs to be taken up for strategic disinvestment.
3. Incentivizing States for disinvestment of their Public Sector Companies, using central funds Special Purpose Vehicle in the form of a company to monetize idle land.
4. Introducing a revised mechanism for ensuring timely closure of sick or loss-making CPSEs.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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Q12. What do you understand by the term Domestic Drudgery?
1. It refers to menial, distasteful hard work, affecting women from an early age.
2. It refers to abuse of drugs in domestic environment often leading to violence against women.
Select the correct answer using the code given below: -

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