04 Jun Comments to avoid in longstanding ties (The Hindu, GS-2, International relations)
Context:- The Chief Minister of Delhi last month warned union government about a new strain of the novel coronavirus that has been observed in Singapore. This remark has created a rift between singapore and india
India and bangladesh:-
- Leader should be more empathetic.
- Example:- during bengal election home minister made some remarks over bangladesh such things should be avoided.
- There are those in Bangladesh who believe that separation from Hindu India in 1947 was more significant than the break with Pakistan in 1971.
- quid pro quo for India’s benign attentions and support
- She has maintained vigilant supervision over Muslim fundamentalist terrorists as well as on Northeast militant movements sheltering in Bangladesh.
- She has permitted a considerable degree of connectivity between India and its Northeast by land, river and the use of Bangladeshi ports
- the day will come when, along with free movement of commerce and capital take place between india and bangladesh.
Download Daily Current Affairs of 4th June 2021
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