Role of Civil Services in Democracy

Role of Civil Services in Democracy

Role of Civil Services in Democracy in India

Civil Services form the foundation of the government which provides strong support to maintain the structural integrity of the nation. Hence, Vallabh Bhai Patel has rightly said, that Civil Services is the steel cage of India. However, the services are marred with criticism which is equivalent to rusting of the steel cages. The article talks about how the Role of Civil Services in Democracy impacts Indian Polity and Governance which is related to daily current affairs for UPSC. 

Role of Civil Services in Democracy

  • Welfare services: Civil servants provide welfare services for the people including social security, the welfare of weaker sections, and the enhancement of environmental quality.
  • Maintain continuity in administration: Government comes and goes, ministers rise and fall, and administration run by civil servants goes on forever.
  • Law and Order: They maintain law and order by enforcing laws in an adequate manner. The enforcement of laws depends upon the dedication of civil servants.

 Issues Associated with Civil Services

  • Transparency and Accountability: Lack of oversight mechanism allows civil servants to indulge in corrupt practices with impunity which leads to a loss of public faith in the administration.
  • Secrecy: There is a culture of discreetness than openness where civil servants are hesitant in collaborative governance.
  • Lack of Dynamism: Officers are more concerned with internal processes than results. Often, it has been pointed out that rapid changes are taking place in nations in the context of laws, economy, and technology but the response time is much shorter.
  • Political intervention: Uncreased frequency of political intervention to further political agenda has made services regressive.

Timely skilling and upgradation of personnel is the need of the hour. Mission Karmayogi has been brought to enhance governance and develop domain knowledge besides administrative capacity in bureaucracy. The new program could reverse the rusting of steel cages in India.


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