02 Jun Tenuous revival (GS-3, Economy, the hindu)
Context::- Indian economy is going in a downward turn due to lockdown and other bottlenecks. now can be revived in the upcoming quarters. Mining and quarrying and the worsthit contactintensive omnibus services category of trade, hotels, transport, communications and broadcasting contracted 5.7% and 2.3%,
Why downward trajectory
- Lockdown led to a loss of jobs
- decrease in production
- lack of jobs in the economy
- significant decrease in the economy
- Lack of comprehensive measures at the governance level.
What could be the possible way out
- Reviving consumption should be the priority
- for this, we need a comprehensive vaccination program
- creation of new jobs in the economy.
- All india cocid-19 policy
Download Daily Current Affairs of 01-May-2021
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