15 Mar The job crunch and the growing fires of nativism (The Hindu, Economy, GS-3)
Issue:- a recent study 80% of women in Haryana who want to work cannot find a job.
- Why
- No Jobs in poor states, jobless growth, skill starvation.
- Widening the inequalities between the richer and poorer states
- Why
- Issue of jobs
- Most richer states have infrastructure so most of the investment will come to these states only.
- the most critical factor in the choice of a location
- A large business is what economists term as the ‘agglomeration effect’
- I.e agglomeration: the ecosystem of supply chain, talent, good living conditions
- A large business is what economists term as the ‘agglomeration effect’
- So jobs are becoming issue and its effects
- More number of adults out of their jobs can become a trigger for social and political revolution.
- What is the way forward
- Fiscal autonomy to the poor states.
- More incentivisation to the FDI.
- Skilling the way forward
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