The Lyrid Meteor shower is active each year in the month of April. (GS-3 The Hindu, Science and Tech)

The Lyrid Meteor shower is active each year in the month of April. (GS-3 The Hindu, Science and Tech)

  • It is located in constellation Lyra.
    • Radiant of a shower is the point from which the paths of the meteors originate.
  • classified as the medium strength shower.
  • They are caused because of cloud of dust or we can say debris left behind by the Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher.
  • They are best viewed in northern hemisphere.

What is meteor shower:-

  • It occurs when the earth passes through the path of a comet.
  • the bits of comet debris comes under the influence of the earth’s gravity and they attracts towards earth atmosphere.
  •  they burn up due to the friction created by the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • This Burning up of these debris will light up the sky and is seen as streaks of light in the night sky and are called meteor showers.

Download Daily Current Affairs of 17 April 2021

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